Saturday, April 13, 2013

Ten Good reasons to blog again!

It’s now dark and I have finished writing a poem and I just don’t want it be tucked in my offline Ms-Word copy. The rule is that only coherent thoughts are allowed to be published. But this doesn’t apply in my world.

So, below are the ten good reasons why I want to blog again and why you should give it a go!

1. Because I got a new pen: Believe this. Okay, I already had pens but then again my new pen gives me a good feeling. Though I had got it long time back. But then, what should you write about? Fishes? Summer? Chips? Crowded like shit Delhi Metro? Oh.. wait. I know you will read it all what I scribble here.

2. Because I have been crowding my Facebook wall with long status updates & was resistant to poke people with my passive-aggressive posts: Dare! This is my world. I am the king and I will write everything.

3. Because I was thinking that I have become lame and I don’t know my job: No explanations!

4. Because I have a story inside: Life is a picture. A film to be precise and I want you to see it in my words. Because that’s all I have. The story needs a hyperbole.

5. Because I seek a distraction: Okay! It’s not actually a distraction but it is something that calms me.

6. Because I have experiences that I want to share for the good of others: Yes. We learn from our own field of experiences but then again our frame of references also helps in life. Helps a lot.

7. Because there are things which I can’t express when I just speak!

8. Because I haven’t updated from a long time: I see my visitors graph going high. People around the world land here and they find just old stuffs and that brings to a halt - their REVISIT.

9. Because you are reading this: Just because you are reading this. Dear reader, a writer definetely seeks appreciations but at the same time he also expects reactions, not just the plain ones. But reactions to calm his inner soul. And maybe this will work out :D

10. Why ten? Coz just nine were not enough! :D

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